52 week blogging challenge 2019


About the challenge 

Challenges are a great way to give yourself a focus and set goals. I’m constantly setting out on challenges. Sometimes they’re creative, like the 365 photo a day challenge or 30 days of drawing I’ve done a few times. The exercise challenges have led me to doing some amazing hikes/walkers and to becoming a Level 1 Recreational Coach with Deadly Runners. Blogging challenges can lead to creative insights as well as professional ones. I’ve presented at numerous conferences because of my blogging and social media work.

The 52 Posts in 52 Weeks challenges involves spontaneity, creativity as well as a bit of planning. As I’ve written in previous years, posts don’t need to be just text, but they can be images, videos, sounds and much more.

How it works:  

  1. How to become a Deadly Blogger
  2. Everyone is free to participate, however, as per Deadly Bloggers general rules we’ll promote only blog posts by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  3. Topics are generic and a guide only.
  4. Twitter is our preferred social media site with Facebook coming up a close second.
  5. Use the #DB19 hashtag and we’ll reshare your posts on Twitter.
  6. Plan your Deadly Bloggers Blog Carnival post for July.
  7. Deadly Bloggers is maintained by Iscariot Media. We’ll be resharing your content weekly as our schedules allow.

The topics:

The 2019 topics are designed to be generic enough for bloggers to adapt to their own. We’re drawing on many of the same topics as our previous challenges with a few changes – 2013, 2015, 2017.

2019 –

  1. What a year!
  2. What about this weather …
  3. I spend my money
  4. A favourite … book/music/movie
  5. Contribution
  6. Getting stuck in traffic
  7. Smile
  8. Family
  9. A favourite … book/music/movie
  10. Speaking of kids
  11. My story
  12. Celebration
  13. Learning
  14. A favourite … book/music/movie
  15. On the inside
  16. Love
  17. The past
  18. A favourite … book/music/movie
  19. Weekends
  20. Connect
  21. Friendship
  22. Healing
  23. A favourite … book/music/movie …
  24. Community
  25. Strength
  26. Winter
  27. Social
  28. A favourite … book/music/movie
  29. Living
  30. Honour
  31. Health
  32. Fear
  33. Stretch yourself
  34. A favourite … book/music/movie
  35. Make
  36. Success
  37. Travel
  38. Old + New
  39. Favourite – books/music/movies
  40. History
  41. Spring
  42. New
  43. Rise
  44. Favourites – books/music/movies
  45. Rest
  46. Culture
  47. Work + play
  48. My colour is ..
  49. Home
  50. Hope + inspiration
  51. Neighbours
  52. Onward

Welcome to the Deadly Bloggers family!
