So… how about that 2013

2013 is almost on it’s way out the door – now for the obligatory round-up post.

What did we do?

  1. Deadly Bloggers Challenge 2013 – We had three dedicated #DB13 challengers. They were Siv Park at OnDusk, Ray Gates at Ray Gates and The Harlot Blogger. These guys were amazing. A few other folks started, but couldn’t keep up the pace (me included).
  2. Research – I’ve said before that I’ve not wanted Deadly Bloggers to be a “how to blog site”, but something else that is bigger, that informs ideas and understanding about Indigenous peoples’ engagement in the digital space. I created a survey and was able to collate the findings. I presented the findings at a lecture at USC for Dr Sandra Phillips. I haven’t published the findings as yet. (On my to-do list). I’ve also submitted a proposal for WIPC:E in 2014 (fingers crossed)
  3. Workshops – this is me wearing multiple hats, but I presented a blogging (and social media) workshop at the First Nations Australia Writers’ Network Workshop in May, and then I presented the WhichWay for Social Media workshops (wearing my Iscariot Media hat) in October for kuril dhagun. Developing and presenting workshops is a great way to grow the number of bloggers, but also to foster “conversation” around the digital space.
  4. Become a Deadly Blogger” form – created a form to organise the entries. No-one seems to use it yet, but at least it’s there.

What haven’t we done? {The 2014 To-Do List}

  1. Branding – this one has been on my list for over a year, but I need to update the Deadly Bloggers brand, and roll it out across all the social platforms (includes developing a couple of widgets)
  2. The Directory – also on the list for over a year – the Directory. Currently I’m using a Link List. This is fine enough. But it’s not really adequate as the categories grow.
  3. Site Organisation – is not great right now. This is definitely linked to the Directory.
  4. Write more – I’d really like to do interviews with bloggers about what they’re writing about, their goals etc. Surely, I could do at least one post per month? Surely.
  5. Outreach – We started with the kuril dhagun workshops – they were designed for community people to get started with social media. I’d like to keep doing workshops for community, to assist them to get started and to grow their digital presence.
  6. Deadly Bloggers Challenge 2014 – Why not?

Can you think of anything else I need to add to my to-do list?
