What’s in store for 2017?

As you can see from the post archive, this is the only post in 2016. Unfortunately I’ve been so busy with Iscariot Media I’ve struggled to do anything but the basic Deadly Bloggers work. The basic Deadly Bloggers work isn’t nothing – we promote the posts of deadly bloggers on Twitter and Facebook throughout the year. And while I accept that that’s not nothing, it’s not as much as I would like it to be.

As I tweeted last night, I’m working late this week and I’ve found that I have some time to do some planning for 2017.  You’ll see that I’ve uploaded two new events for 2017 – these are the Deadly Bloggers Blog Carnival in July, and the 52 Week Deadly Blogging Challenge.

I’ve updated the pages and created new social media assets for them that I’ve already share and will keep sharing throughout the year.

My other 2017 goals: 

  • Continue sharing new posts by deadly bloggers.
  • Create a mailing list for Deadly Bloggers – so I can send them messages about writing and publishing opportunities that occasionally come via Deadly Bloggers.
  • Create a (maybe) quarterly newsletter for a general audience that highlights different Bloggers and posts that have been written
  • Develop strategies to get more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people blogging, and blogging more frequently.
  • (Maybe) run a few online workshop to help folks start and/or develop their blogging practice.

It all begs the question though – what do I want? I generate no income from Deadly Bloggers – apart from the odd university lecture here and there. It’s a passion project that has gone on every since I discovered blogging nearly 10 years ago. I often ask myself if blogging is redundant – there are lots of other ways to generate an audience and to have your voice hear. But I still believe in the principle that it’s better to own your own property. You can have 20,000 likes on your Facebook page, but Facebook (like Twitter and Instagram) is owned by someone else and it can get taken away from you at any time. I know I often find myself choosing a Facebook post over a blog post – I know that it will be seen immediately on Facebook (I’ll get validation) whereas on my blog? *crickets*

It’s also about legacy. I’m not sure National and State Archive agencies will be approaching people anytime soon to archive your Facebook account, but they certainly do approach bloggers. What do you want to leave behind?

So I’m going to stick with Deadly Bloggers again for at least another two years – I think a 10th Anniversary mini-celebration is just what I need. I will spend some time this month allocating resources (time, energy and brain work) to her.

It’s still a good idea.

If you’re part of the Deadly Bloggers journey – thank you for being here. Thank you for listening, reading and sharing.

Cheers, Leesa
